It appears that being angry is "bad" for you. When you use the term "tantrum," you're connecting anger with immaturity,

a lack of self-control, or entitlement. Anger has a terrible reputation. However, the sensation itself isn't the 

problem. The behaviour that sometimes accompanies that sensation is what may be dangerous or harmful.

Not being furious is terrible; feeling angry is. It is the sometimes terrifying or destructive behaviour 

that goes along with that mood. Children are often made to believe that they are wrong to be angry by adults,

which may have occurred to you as a youngster. The behaviour that youngsters exhibit when they are angry—yelling, 

The behaviour that youngsters exhibit when they are angry—yelling, punching, and pouting—is what adults

actually object to. Therefore, rather than being reprimanded for their sentiments, which they cannot control,

youngsters instead need assistance in discovering socially acceptable methods of expressing their anger rather 

 than anti-social ones. If kids don't understand this, there's a chance they won't discover healthy methods