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How to Unlock Mjolnir in Ark: Survival Evolved – Fjordur

Last Updated on July 15, 2022 by Sam

How to Unlock Mjolnir :- Before you may even grasp the hammer in your hand in Ark Survival Evolved, you must first complete a protracted unlocking procedure that involves several obstacles to overcome, such as collecting 200 Fjordur Runes. Unless you enter a console command, it’s just the beginning. Before you begin, keep in mind that you must battle a total of six mini bosses, one ultimate monster, and traverse almost the whole Fjordur area.

How to Unlock Mjolnir in Ark: Survival Evolved – Fjordur

How to unlock Mjolnir in Ark: Survival Evolved

You must climb up and through Fjordur before you can even begin to think about gaining the Mjolnir Skin.

Beating the mini bosses or world bosses Beyla, Steinbjorn, Hati, and Skoll, who each drop relics for the next monsters, is the first stage in obtaining the Mjolnir skin.

You must defeat the following bosses, Broodmother, Megapithecus, and the Dragon, who all drop their own trophies, after you acquire the relics from the world bosses.

You must beat the particular bosses for each difficulty level (Alpha, Beta, and Gamma) in order to utilise them to summon the game’s ultimate monster, Fenrisulfr.

After fighting Fenrisulfr, you will get the Mjolnir Skin, but you must first establish your worthiness before you may utilise it.

How do you unlock Mjolnier in Ark Survival Evolved?

You must first get the Tek Sword as Mjolnir is a skin for it. You also need to be at least level 190 and have won every boss fight that grants you an ascension. The most of them will probably occur spontaneously as you go through the game, but there is one more laborious, time-consuming need.

You need to find all 200 Fjordur Runes. These are dispersed across each domain, and finding them is difficult. Be prepared for it to take some time. On the plus side, each one grants you a little amount of experience, helping you at least level up.

All of this prepares you to grasp the hammer once you have it, but getting the hammer requires a lot more effort.

How to get Mjolnir

Actually getting your hands on the legendary hammer involves hunting the new region’s Alphas and then defeating three mini-bosses before you can move on to the final boss.

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