How to Get Silver Shield In Velheim

Last Updated on December 5, 2022 by Sam

Silver Shield is a Shield weapon. If you’ve made Silver Shield in Valheimor and recently discovered the recipe but aren’t quite sure what to do with it, we’ve got you covered. There are plenty of uses for it, one of which is vital, so keep reading to find out how to craft one and what you can use it for.


How To Craft Silver Shield

In Valheim, Silver Shield is a tool that can be used for a few different things, but mostly it’s just a way to grab things. It can’t be used for much else because it does very little damage to the target. You’ll need a Forge Lvl 3 and the following items to make one:

  • x20 Fine Wood, x8 Silver

Silver Shield is craftable at Forge Lvl 3, you will get 3 maximum quality. If you have to repair it then you will require repair station level 3. It is 1 hand armor in Valheim.

How to Make Silver Shield In Valheim

If you want to make this Armor, you can follow our steps below:

1. The Materials

First, you have to gather all the materials. In the recipe, you need x20 Fine Wood, x8 Silver. Make sure you put them in your inventory, so the forge will detect them.

2. Open Crafting Menu

Then, open the crafting menu by interacting with the forge. You don’t need to update the crafting station, because the recipe is already available when you have bronze. Press the [E] key to open the crafting menu.

3. Select Wolf Armor Chest

When the menu pops up, you can see the list of metal items. Select bronze helmet and the stats will show. Later, click the [Craft] button to make it.

4. Equip

Wait for the process running. Once done, your new helmet will be placed in your inventory. To equip it, click the RMB.

Stats of Silver Shield

Name Silver Shield
Hands 1
Weight 5
Max Quality 3
Durability 300
Repair Station Required 3
Damage 0
Block Armor 72 (108)
Block Force 50
Parry Bonus 50
Back Stab 0
Movement Speed -5%

Note: Stats for all Weapons and Tools are listed at their maximum level and with all Skills at 100.