Do you know someone close to you that has or claims to be a Discord Kitten? Here is meaning that you need to know.
The Discord kitten meme refers to those Discord members that either call themselves kittens or look out for them.
A kitten is usually a female user that gets Nitro in return for making her ‘Discord daddy’ happy which is usually an adult male. This could range from saying ‘uwu’ to much more. The meaning of Discord kitten sure is a weird one.
The nitro may be something cool to get but is it really worth the trouble? Being a kitten is more than a small deal and has monetary rewards as well as consequence
Now like most popular memes, it started off on Reddit when around mid-2017 the term started being made mainstream with Redditors referring to themselves as kittens.
when the user called “Schwifterr” on Reddit made a post about one of their friends calling someone a “Kitten” on their school’s Discord server and how it made them face second-hand embarrassment.
the Discord kitten term was transferred over to Instagram with user drivers_real_catholic_official posting a meme about it that only received about 40 likes in February 2020.