It is imperative to try different champions when you’re playing LOL wild rift. The reason behind this is that every champion has unique characteristics. To become familiar with the champions,
While you’re beginning to play LOL Wild Rift, there’s one more thing you need to get familiar with. That thing is the slangs of the game. Many times, it happens that you make a few mistakes because you couldn’t understand what your teammates are trying to tell you.
While getting acquainted with the game, it is important that you study the maps properly. In LOL Wild Rift maps, there 3 main lanes and a Jungle lane. Baron Lane, Mid Lane and Dragon Lane are the three main lanes in Wild Rift.
To understand what role is suitable to you, you have study and roam the map. Also, you need to keep an eye on your teammates and support them whenever necessary.
One thing you need to keep in mind as a beginner player is that you must ward the map properly. Wards are your eyes in the Fog Of War.
You can determine the location of your opponents and you can plan your next attack accordingly. Remember to place your wards in potential places so that you don’t lose the vision of your victory.