How to unlock heroes in Overwatch 2

Last Updated on October 8, 2022 by Sam

How to unlock heroes in Overwatch 2:-  In Overwatch 2, players who have never played the first game will begin with only a portion of the total hero roster unlocked. This is one of the major changes made in order to adapt Blizzard’s long-running hero shooter to the new free-to-play business model, and it is one of the major changes made in Overwatch 2. You won’t be able to use any of the locked heroes to play the game until you have unlocked them by competing in matches.

You can learn exactly how to unlock every hero in Overwatch 2 by following the guide that we have provided below. This includes both new heroes like Kiriko and Sojourn as well as returning favourites like Cassidy, Roadhog, and Zenyatta.

In Overwatch 2, do you want to know how to unlock all of the heroes? In Overwatch 2, players who have never played the first game will begin with only a portion of the total hero roster unlocked. This is one of the major changes made in order to adapt Blizzard's long-running hero shooter to the new free-to-play business model, and it is one of the major changes made in Overwatch 2. You won't be able to use any of the locked heroes to play the game until you have unlocked them by competing in matches.  You can learn exactly how to unlock every hero in Overwatch 2 by following the guide that we have provided below. This includes both new heroes like Kiriko and Sojourn as well as returning favourites like Cassidy, Roadhog, and Zenyatta.

How to unlock the first heroes in Overwatch 2

After you have finished the tutorial and the Practice range for the first season of Overwatch, you will be able to play in unranked matches, and you will also have access to all 14 heroes that are available when you first begin your Overwatch PVP journey.

New heroes If you are a new player to Overwatch 2, you have until the end of Season 1 to log in and claim Sojourn and Junker Queen as part of this group of heroes that are automatically unlocked. If you are a returning player who has access to the Founder’s Pack, you have until the end of Season 2 to log in and claim Sojourn and Junker Queen.

How to unlock all heroes in Overwatch 2

You need to play a certain number of matches in any mode other than “Practice Vs AI” and “Custom Games” in order to unlock the rest of the original heroes that were available in the first Overwatch game.

This can be a little frustrating if your favourite hero can’t be unlocked until you’ve played more than one hundred games (sorry, Echo mains), but the fact that wins count as two games played makes up for some of the frustration.

Therefore, despite the fact that it states that Echo can be unlocked after playing 150 games, the truth is that if you’re exceptionally talented (or just plain lucky), you can get Echo after winning only 75 games.

There does not appear to be a time limit on how long you have to unlock each of these unique characters, even though these heroes are technically a part of the Battle Pass. This is because they are rewards for completing games that are not associated with a specific season.

The following is a list of all of the original Overwatch heroes and the unlocking requirements for them in Overwatch 2:

Hero Role # of Games needed to unlock
Genji Damage You need to complete 1 game
D.VA Tank You need to complete 2 games
Cassidy Damage You need to complete 3 games
Ana Support You need to complete 4 games
Hanzo Damage You need to complete 9 games
Junkrat Damage You need to complete 12 games
Roadhog Tank You need to complete 15 games
Symmetra Damage You need to complete 20 games
Zenyatta Support You need to complete 25 games
Bastion Damage You need to complete 30 games
Sigma Tank You need to complete 40 games
Ashe Damage You need to complete 50 games
Brigitte Support You need to complete 60 games
Mei Damage You need to complete 70 games
Doomfist Tank You need to complete 85 games
Baptiste Support You need to complete 100 games
Sombra Damage You need to complete 115 games
Wrecking Ball Tank You need to complete 130 games
Echo Damage You need to complete 150 games
Kiriko Support Unlocked Once Reached tier 55 of Battle Pass

How to unlock heroes in Overwatch 2 

When it comes to the heroes that need to be unlocked, all that is required of you is to play a certain number of games in any of the different game modes that are available in Overwatch 2.

The procedure for unlocking content has been kept relatively straightforward by Blizzard Entertainment. The new hero, Kiriko, is, however, unable to leave the area because of the battle pass. You should expect that to be the case with each new hero and battle pass that is released in the future.


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