
Apex Legends Tier List – Best Legends for Season 13

Last Updated on September 2, 2022 by Sam

The thirteenth season of Apex Legends is now live, and Seer and many other gameplay improvements are included. Unsurprisingly, this will cause the balance of power in competitive play to change once again. Now the issue is, are the top characters, such as Bloodhound and Wraith, still at the top of the list?
Let’s discuss the top Apex Legends characters for gamers that want to be offensive, defensive, supportive, or recon while you sit back and unwind.
Apex Legends Tier List

Apex Legends Tier List, Ranked

Here’s our tier list for Emergence, based on each character’s potential for high-level competitive play.

(Note: this list is only for the classic Battle Royale mode. The more dynamic and fast-paced gameplay of Arenas, introduced in Season 9, will undoubtedly call for a different lineup.)

  • S-Tier: Wraith, Bloodhound, Gibraltar
  • A-Tier: Valkyrie, Loba, Seer, Lifeline
  • B-Tier: Mirage, Horizon, Bangalore
  • C-Tier: Octane, Pathfinder, Caustic, Revenant
  • D-Tier: Rampart, Crypto, Wattson, Fuse


S Bloodhound, Wraith, Gibraltar, Octane
A Bangalore, Ash, Horizon, Seer, Pathfinder
B Loba, Newcastle, Revenant, Caustic, Crypto
C Wattson, Lifeline
D Rampart, Fuse, Mad Maggie, Mirage

Who is the best character in Apex Legends?

So, who is the best character in Apex Legends? It depends on exactly what you mean by best. Each Legend has their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best ones will all excel under different circumstances and in different game modes.

  • The overall best character in Apex Legends is probably Wraith. Her high mobility, tiny hitbox size, and powerful survival-based abilities have made her the most popular Legend in every single Season of Apex Legends so far.
  • The best character for ranked play has to be Gibraltar. His Dome of Protection has shaped the ranked meta for many seasons now, providing teams with a safe space for healing, reviving, and avoiding otherwise inescapable damage.
  • The best character for situational awareness is absolutely Bloodhound. Their Tactical provides them with key information on nearby enemy positions, and their Ultimate gives them extreme speed while dramatically reducing the cooldown of their Tactical for use during fights.
  • The best character for pushing enemies is Octane. Octane’s Launch Pad is the most powerful team pushing ability in the game, and once Octane lands he can use his Stim to greatly increase his speed for chasing enemies and strafing to avoid gunfire.
  • The best character for fighting while outnumbered is Valkyrie. A good Valkyrie is an absolute nightmare to face as long as there is cover or a building nearby, because she can use her Jetpack to reposition in ways that other Legends simply cannot emulate.
  • The best character for looting is Loba, for sure. Loba’s Black Market Ultimate is a game-changer for her entire team, giving them access to limitless ammo and upgraded gear at any stage of the game depending on where it’s deployed.
  • The best character for Arena mode is probably Rampart. In Arena, whoever has the ability to take shots at enemies from safety and dwindle their healing supplies has the upper hand, and Rampart’s walls are the best tool in the game for this.

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